– Experience fair chase hunting in one of the most unique and beautiful countries in the world
FINLAND – An extraordinary rich wildlife, a safe and clean country with unique nature
Situated in the boreal coniferous forest zone, Finland is surrounded by the Baltic Sea, Sweden, Norway and Russia. The northernmost part of the country lies above the Arctic Circle, whereas the southern area of the landscape is dominated by an archipelago of 179,000 islands, which is the largest archipelago in the world. Between those extremes, Finland is characterized by vast forests and 188,000 lakes, which give the country the yet underestimating name of “the land of the thousand lakes”.
HUNTING AND FISHING IN FINLAND – experience fair chase hunting and fishing in one of the most unique and beautiful countries in the world
You can legally hunt or fish nearly 100 different game and fish species. Most of the game species are native and some are introduced. Most common introduced game species are whitetail deer, raccoon dog, American mink and North American beaver.
All hunting in Finland is truly free range, either on public or private land. There are no fences and even if there were, hunting would still be illegal inside them.
CONTACT – Who we are and contact details
Owner of Wildmark Ltd and outfitter Esa Nykänen is a dedicated person with a family of five (a wife who is a keen hunter as well, two daughters and a son). Wildlife, hunting and fishing is more than just wildlife, hunting and fishing. It’s a passion and a lifestyle. This has always been and will probably always be the case. He has gained experience as an outfitter from late 90’s and has a proven track record of hunting and fishing in Finland and all around the world.
He has hunted on all continents, including most of Europe’s ungulates, many of Africa’s plains game and a variety of gamebirds in both continents. He has hunted big game, birds and predators in South and North America. Hunting Oceanic deer, sheep, goat and macropods is also familiar to him. He has also fished in all of the main seas, this includes the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and in a lot of smaller seas like the Mediterranean, Red Sea and Caribbean.
Esa has successfully hunted and fished most of the Finnish game and fish species and a phenomenal number of well over 200 different species all over the world. Read more >>